Authors of regularly accepted abstracts will present their scientific results either in oral or poster presentations. Both oral and poster presentations are vital to the success of the Workshop and are expected to be of high technical/scientific quality. 
If you need to withdraw your abstract from the presentation or change the presenter, please send an official letter of presentation withdrawal via email to the Secretariat before July 30, 2024, and be sure to include the abstract ID. Any request after this date will not be considered. The decision on your presentation withdrawal (and registration refund if requested) will be decided by the Organizing Committees.
If any of the following applies, then the abstract will be recorded as a NO SHOW and the associated manuscript will not be published.

  • Abstracts that are listed in the program but are NOT presented in person.

  • Abstracts that are presented by an unregistered and/or unknowledgeable author or representative.

  • Abstracts that did not have a registered author or representative available and responsive to address questions.